We have just announced our fundraising total for this year: a staggering £11,855 for local charities! This beats last year’s total by over £4,000, which is beyond our wildest dreams.
We presented a cheque for £9,050 to the Rainbow Fund at the Camelford Arms on Monday 10 July (see picture below). In addition, the following amounts were raised at our Bear-B-Que on Saturday 17 June: £1,247 for Lunch Positive, and £1,558 for the Brighton and Hove LGBT Community Safety Forum.
Once again, thank you so much to everyone who helped us raise this magnificent amount: the fantastic owners and staff of the venues and shops, our tireless volunteers, the generous sponsors and raffle prize donors, the amazing local media, the fabulously talented performers and artists, and most of all the wonderful bears who travelled from all over the UK and the world to spend a brilliant weekend with us. You know who you all are … and we hope to see you all again next year!