Brighton Draws Men (BDM), a group of artists and supporters that draw exclusively male figures have announced they will be drawing Kevin Thurlow-Criss, the 2021 winner of Mr Brighton Bear at their next session on March 2nd, 7 – 9pm. Kevin Thurston-Criss was crowned Mr Brighton Bear 2021 at last year’s Brighton Bear Weekend in July.
BDM was formed in 2014 with the aim to provide a regular event for people to draw men of all kinds. Open to all amateur or professional artists, gay or straight, with an appreciation of the male form, they meet and draw models that are often friends with the aim to provide a regular event for people. BDM are open to all amateur or professional artists, gay or straight, with an appreciation of the male form.
Kevin will be drawn naked, and pictures will be distributed on appropriate social media channels and the BBW website ( shortly afterwards.
Kevin has asked that BDM donate his modelling fee to the Brighton Rainbow Fund (
Brighton Bear Weekend
This year’s weekend takes place 14th thru 17th July 2022.
BBW is proud to support The Brighton Rainbow Fund. The Fund provides needs-led, grant-based funding to Brighton & Hove-based LGBT+ volunteer-run groups, providing frontline services in/for: Community safety, HIV/AIDS and health & community development. Recent recipients of grants include The Rainbow Hub, Rainbow Families, Peer Action and Brighton LGBT Switchboard. More details can be found at
Further details and updates regarding the weekend at or please contact
Brighton Draws Men is a group of artists and supporters that was formed in 2014. They meet and draw models that are often friends, and focus on the male figure, their ethos being that all shapes and forms are welcomed as models. Their sessions are a cosy group of between 4 and 12 artists.
Artists, graphic designers, visual arts people, lawyers, writers, architects and other professions form the eclectic Brighton Draws Men community. They meet at the Sussex County Arts Club every other Wednesday –